Fare Thee Well, But Not Entirely…

Howdy, hello, and good evening. My name is Spencer Foust, and I’ve been your guided tour throughout some of the weirdest stories in World History. I must admit, this will be my last post on the blog. Don’t worry, though, because this isn’t the end of the project.

I started this blog because I had to. I took a news writing class that insisted we make a blog about whatever we wanted, should we feel qualified to talk about it. Having sat on this idea for a while, I thought about using this assignment as a platform to explore it. I was even happier when I told my brother about the idea of trying one episode of it for a podcast, and he said “just one?” Now, I can honestly say that this little assignment has led to one of my proudest accomplishments.

Sure, as I write this, there are only three episodes that are published. They’re set to auto-release, though, and as I write this there are three more already set to upload for the last few weeks of 2017. While I don’t intend to continue this blog, I can’t see any reason to stop doing the podcast. We currently reach about 10 people per week, and while that might seem small, that’s a huge audience for something that I do strictly because I love to do it. For those of you who may have been referred back here, or who have actually read the posts that came before this, I hope you stick around to listen to the show each week. It’s not much, but it’s mine. And I couldn’t be happier to do it.


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